Address:Prospect House, Copt Hewick, Ripon,North Yorkshire,HG4 5DB

Contact phone number: +44-(0)1765-602514 or 0374-171025

Established in 1981, PMS provides marketing and business strategy consulting services in food, agribusiness and related bioscience sectors, including research.

This ranges from a detailed appraisal of a particular market with recommendations on marketing approach, investment return, anticipated risks and so forth through to product management for smaller companies who cannot justify such inputs on a permanent basis.

Strategic Business Planning
This will normally involve a more strategic approach covering many commercial aspects over a longer timescale. Typical studies include diversification plans, business plans for new investments / divisions, acquisition studies, recommendations for improved performance of existing operations .... among others.

Technology Transfer
Biotechnology is set to have a major impact on agricultural production and manufacturing and on the food industry. But the commercial potential of such developments is often hard to discern. PMS is deeply involved in bridging the gap between scientific and commercial exploitation, having carried out a number of major studies in this area.

Market Square - Grid-based census data
Market Square is a PMS Product - it is agricultural census data on a grid basis and the grid can be any size from 1-100km, coinciding exactly with the Ordnance Survey grid. This makes it ideal for market and capital planning using spreadsheets. Mapping software has recently come to the desktop and PMS can develop bespoke thematic maps for your market and resource planning.

PMS has conducted a number of comparative surveys of costs, margins and productivity factors (eg feed production, agribusiness people productivity and farm supply margins). We have developed a reputation for accessing the key players on a confidential basis with complete integrity.